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Why Is My Water Softener Making Noise? (How To Fix)

Water Softener Making Noise

The sounds of rushing water and the low humming noise of the motor are normal and suggest that the water softener is in REGEN.

However, if you hear:

  • Banging
  • Grinding
  • Moaning
  • Alarm

It might indicate:

  • Broken gears and worn valves
  • Failing motor
  • Cracked gears
  • Salt is running low
  • Clogged valves

You can fix it by repairing or replacing broken parts or doing a salt refill.

Continue reading for a detailed guide on why your water softener is making noise and what you can do to fix it.

🤔Why Is My Water Softener Making Weird Noises?

Here are some of the common weird noises water softeners make, along with the possible root cause behind the sound:

💦Why Does My Water Softener Sound Like Water Running?

Why does my water softener sound like water running

During REGEN, your water softener may have normal sounds like gushing water, and it’s completely normal. 

But if the flowing water sounds never stop, your water softener may be stuck at the REGEN cycle and can have issues like:

For troubleshooting:

  • Check out the user manual to understand where each component is present.
  • Now check one of the control switches, motor, and water lines, one by one. It will help you understand which part is faulty and which you can replace to fix the constant fast-flowing water sound.

🔨Why Is My Water Softener Hammering?

Why is my water softener hammering

Is your water softener hammering or making a banging noise? The possible causes could be related to mechanical issues:

  • A sticking float valve that repeatedly closes and opens with water inflow 
  • Clogged air chambers with mineral deposits from water
  • More than 60 PSI water pressure
  • Loose bolts and straps causing a minor shockwave
  • A forward water movement that slams to an elbow at the end of the long, straight pipe during regular clean water passage 

You can fix this sound by:

  • Lubricating or replacing the float valve
  • Installing a new air chamber
  • Tightening the loosely secured pipes
  • Adding pipe elbows to the long pipes to introduce a direction change or adding a water hammer arrestor near the end of the long pipe to absorb the shock and pressure changes.

🐍Why Does My Water Softener Make Hissing Noise?

Why does my water softener make hissing noise

A hissing noise may indicate a leak or passage of air from the trapped air pockets. The following could be the root cause:

Sometimes, you may misunderstand the humming noise during regular REGEN with hissing. Make sure the hissing sound is correct. 

You can get rid of it by:

  • Replacing the old, damaged drain line
  • breaking the buildups and clogs

🔊Why Is My Water Softener Making Grinding Noise?

Why is my water softener making grinding noise

When a water softener starts making a grinding noise, it is a sign that you have an old and failing drive motor or a valve and gear break. 

To fix it, follow the steps:

  • Turn off the water softener and unplug it to see if the sound persists.
  • If you find a faulty, defective, or broken component, replace it with a new one. It will stop the grinding noise immediately. 

👉How To Fix Water Softener Noise?

How to fix water softener noise

Water softener causes some strange noises, like water flushing or humming during regular operations. Thus, it’s unwise to diagnose it based only on the noise. 

But if you notice some weird, scary, and unusual sounds lately, it’s time to schedule a checkup. Here’s how you can fix the noisy water softener issue:

  • Identify the type of unusual noise you noticed.
  • If you find a leak or flooding, take immediate measures by turning off the softener power outlet and resetting the bypass valve to its actual position.
  • After identifying the type of noise, find out the root cause. For example, the constant sound of water filling may be due to a defect in the regeneration cycle, a hammering sound may arise due to the striking of the bypass valve, a hissing sound may indicate an air passage and a grinding noise may be due to a faulty drive motor. 
  • Inspect each part after knowing the connection between different loud noises and defects in different parts using the user manual.
  • If you need help distinguishing whether the sound is usual or unusual, contact the manufacturer’s customer service team or ask for plumbing expert help.

    After troubleshooting, repair, replace, clean, tighten, or lubricate as instructed.
  • If you don’t have experience with water softeners, hire qualified professionals who can check each part, detect the issue, and fix it.

💡Water Softener Making Noise: FAQs

Why does my water softener make noise after unplugging?

If your water softener makes funny noises every time after unplugging, it might have a leaky water feed or regeneration pipe or broken seals. 

You can stop this noise by:
1. Manually checking which part is causing the noise. 
2. Replace it by following the manual or getting help from a professional plumber.

Why is my water softener making noise at night?

Your water softener making noise (may sound like running water) at night means its REGEN cycle is set to nighttime.

If it sounds scary and interrupts your sleep, you can reset the regeneration schedule for the daytime.

Ensure you don’t set it for regeneration during your regular water usage time.

Why is my water softener making high-pitched noises?

If your water softener makes high-pitched, odd noises like hissing, grinding, banging, or trickling, it’s time for quick maintenance. 

The hissing sound can result from a damaged pipe or hose or a faulty valve, mineral buildup, or any damage to different parts of the tank.

It can cause a banging or grinding noise, and if you hear a trickling sound, it can be due to water leakage. 

Troubleshoot where the excessive noise comes from using the above steps, or get expert help.

What are the signs that your water softener is going bad?

Some common signs that your water softener is going bad include:
1. A constant noise from the water softener
2. Damaging minerals buildup on water appliances
3. Discolored water
4. High salt consumption for a regeneration cycle

However, you can easily fix these issues by:
1. Regular inspection
2. Keeping a salt reserve and filling it when necessary.
3. Resetting the hardness
4. Cleaning the brine or salt tank for any mineral buildups or residues

Why is my water softener rushing through the water?

Tank, disrupting the proper regeneration cycle. It results in a constant flow of water for the regeneration process.

To prevent this issue, do the following:
1. Schedule a regular basic maintenance
2. Break salt bridges 
3. Use good-quality salt, which can prevent unnecessary residues from building up, as these contain little to no impurities.

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